PILLOW TALK RADIO SHOW : annex sunday service

july 21, 2019

Role: Artist, Curator; in collaboration with Celia Caldas

Directed by: Taehyung Kim; Produced by: Russell Christenson; Co-curated by: Phoebe Rhinehart

Sound Recording by : Joey Largent

Space sponsored by : Sam Stubblefield

Sunday Services are a 1.5-2 hour performative installation platform dedicated to providing a safe space for curious minds to use nonmedium, non-disciplinary approach to exploring an idea together, followed by group discussion.

Annex is a safe space for experimentation and explorations shared by people who value: curiosity, critical thinking, inspiration, and a sense of community. Research as fun, sharing and engagement as participation, creativity as inevitability of existence. We seek to create a socially cultivated culture to facilitate creativity and willingness for participation and exploration.

Pillow Talk was an interactive, live, improvisational radio show. Celia Caldas and myself took on the characters of Judy McPherson and Debbie Dabney, hosts of a long-running radio show, “Pillow Talk”, which was touring in Seattle and hosting a live show. As Judy and Debbie, Celia and myself were obscured by a white curtain, backlit, separated from our audience on the other side.

The concept of Pillow Talk is a late-night radio show, with the objective to solve listeners’ insomniac troubles and soothe them back to sleep. Audience members were encouraged to call in, real time, take on a sleepless character, and Debbie and Judy were to play a related song to soothe them back to sleep. The audio from the show was recorded and will be stitched together to be submitted to KBFG’s content submission portal in the hopes that our “radio show” can truly be broadcasted. Audio will be uploaded to this page soon.
