APRIL 14, 2019
Role: Artist, Curator
In Collaboration with : Signe Ferugson & Phoebe Rhinehart
Space sponsored by : Sam Stubblefield
Photos by : Thanasis Ikonomou
Annex is a safe space for experimentation and explorations shared by people who value: curiosity, critical thinking, inspiration, and a sense of community. Research as fun, sharing and engagement as participation, creativity as inevitability of existence. We seek to create a socially cultivated culture to facilitate creativity and willingness for participation and exploration.
Sunday Services are a 1.5-2 hour performative installation platform dedicated to providing a safe space for curious minds to use nonmedium, non-disciplinary approach to exploring an idea together, followed by group discussion.
I conceived of and curated an event in which people were invited to explore the phenomenon of a room-size camera obscura. These images were taken by Thanasis Ikonomou at a lengthy exposure in order to capture the effects of the room once eyes were adjusted. The space was generously sponsored by Sam Stubblefield, a local artist in Seattle.
Attendees were encouraged to sketch over and try to capture the image as they pleased. Developer liquid and photo paper was provided for people to capture and record the image in real-time. The space was set up in such a way that encouraged dialogue and inquisition; providing tools for anyone who wanted to interact with the piece. Pinhole cameras were created from 2 windows, creating an overlayed double exposure on the opposite wall.
This was a very experimental, rough, and quick study, thrown together in less than a week. The objective was to experience something new, be inquisitive, and above all, have fun.